ING POS Ekstra

POS Extra offers extra discount opportunity monthly in respect of the merchant fee. 

POS Extra offers extra discount opportunity monthly in respect of the merchant fee (formerly known as commission).

POS Extra offers 1.36% advantageous merchant fee for your spending of TRY 6.000 with your ING Business Debit Card. Besides, POS software, hardware and maintenance services are free of charge. 

Apply for POS Extra, and benefit from the 136% bargain-priced single-withdrawal merchant fee.

What are the advantages of the SME POS Extra?

Opportunities offered by POS Extra:

  • 1.36% bargain-priced single-withdrawal merchant fee (formerly known as commission)
  • No POS software, hardware, maintenance fees for fixed, mobile and cash register POS. (Formerly known as POS Usage fee)
  • No fee will be charged for 6 cash withdrawal and deposit transactions through any ATM you would wish.
  • No remittance / EFT fee.
You can benefit from the advantages offered by POS Extra for any spending, amounting to at least TRY 6.000 you would made for the bills or at the supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants or cafes on monthly basis by making use of your ING Corporate Debit Card.