T-Bills and Government Bonds

T-Bills and Government Bonds

Treasury Bills and Government Bonds are the debt instruments of the Turkish Treasury. The main difference between the two is the maturity term. While Treasury Bills have maturities of up to 1 year, Government Bonds are investment instruments that have maturities of more than 1 year. If you wait until maturity, you get your principal back along with interest. If you choose not to wait until maturity, you can trade them in the secondary market and take advantage of the interest rate fluctuations in the market.

You can perform your Treasury Bill and Government Bond transactions through the Online Banking Investments menu Bills/Bonds step.


  • Treasury Bills and Government Bonds are offered with government assurance.
  • While Treasury Bills have maturities of up to 1 year, Government Bonds are investment instruments that have maturities of more than 1 year.
  • If you wait until maturity, you get your principal back along with interest.
  • They may have coupons or be sold at a discount. Those with coupons are issued with fixed or variable coupon rate.
  • ING is one of the market-maker banks and enables participation in the Treasury's bill and bond tenders.
  • You can also perform your Treasury Bill and Government Bond purchase-sale transactions through our branches.

Who can take advantage of this product?

  • SME's 
  • Commercial companies 
  • Corporate companies